We invite you to

Our In Person and Remote Services

Remote Services
Our church is offering real-time streaming of our services which will enable anyone to ‘telephone call in’ or ‘video in’ to our New Braunfels Church Services through the following access:

The link is – www.zoom.us/j/9212629260
The meeting ID is 921-262-9260 and the password is cschurchnb

It is also possible to call in using the phone number:
(415) 762-9988
It will ask for a meeting ID which is 921-262-9260 followed by #
It will ask for a participant ID, there is none so just press # again​

Neither option will be available until after 10:00 AM on Sundays and 1:30 PM on Wednesdays.

Sunday service begins at 10:30 AM
Wednesday service begins at 2:00 PM